With a special thank you to Cristina Pinheiro, who made this beautiful (and happy) photo somewhere (?)... in Brazil.
Again we suggest a comparison:
now between the geometric framework of the iron gate, with the image we included in our preceding post: a mosaic of Ravenna - 6th century, representing Last Supper.
The towel (or the table...?) has almost the same pattern we saw recently in the chalices-custodies of MNAA*; or also in the beautiful window of Alpedrinha**.
In all these situations we think the use of such ornament is a direct outcome of its initial meaning: suggesting harmony and the Divine.
*See here http://iconoteologia.blogs.sapo.pt/49030.html
**See also: http://primaluce.blogs.sapo.pt/127109.html and http://primaluce.blogs.sapo.pt